Who: All customers/clients/followers/fans may submit content and be entered.
What: We are looking for the best content out there. This can be anything from the best trip you have ever been on where you used one of our cushions or wished that you had. This can be any type of trip from a long trip on a Motorcycle to a long flight on a plane. We want to see it all! ~Bonus points if you have photos and/or videos
Where: All submissions must be submitted to Kristina our Marketing Director via the submission form below.
When: This is an ongoing contest and each month one winner will be chosen at random from the list of people who submitted valid content. Each name will stay in the drawing until further notice (or until they are selected as a winner)
*Please note: Once content is submitted, the entrants name is automatically entered into the monthly drawing for a free cushion of their choice and they acknowledge and authorize us to use their submission on our website and/or social media channels.
Why: We want to provide our followers with the very best content, and what is a better way than to get it right from the source.
Content Contest